Why am I passionate about this?

I spent the first decade of my journalistic career focused on calamity, malevolence, and suffering. By my early thirties, I wasn’t just struggling to feel happy about the world — I was struggling to feel anything at all. It was an encounter with awe — a visit to an aspen colony in central Utah that is the world’s largest known singular organism — that jarred me from this increasingly colorless world. As an author, teacher, researcher, and radio host, I strive to connect others with a sense of wonder — and I feel very fortunate that so many other science communicators continually leave me feeling awestruck for this amazing world.  

I wrote

Superlative: The Biology of Extremes

By Matthew D. LaPlante,

Book cover of Superlative: The Biology of Extremes

What is my book about?

Superlative is the story of extreme evolution — and what we can learn from it about ourselves and our planet.…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Explaining Humans: What Science Can Teach Us About Life, Love and Relationships

Matthew D. LaPlante Why did I love this book?

Sometimes, a voice actor is the absolute right choice for an audiobook. (I think this was the case for my book, which was read by George Newbern — whose voice I quickly recognized as the cartoon Superman.) Other times, though, absolutely nobody but the actual author will do, and this is most certainly the case with Camilla Pang’s beautifully written — and narrated — book about human behavior. I’ve both read and listened to Explaining Humans, and I recommend the latter, for Pang’s particular manner of emphasis, inflection, and cadence add color, clarity, and personality to her written words. And this, to me, was tremendously helpful, because Explaining Humans is not so much a scientific explanation for why we humans are such peculiar creatures as it is a series of scientific analogies that help explain how Pang — a computational biologist who is autistic — has come to understand many of the seemingly illogical behaviors of our species.

Reading and listening to Explaining Humans felt like a very intimate peek inside Pang’s mind — and her ruminations have prompted me to consider many other ways in which science can offer us a lens through which we can see the world in a new light, even (and perhaps especially) when it cannot provide a specific answer to the questions we ask along the way.

By Camilla Pang,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Explaining Humans as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


How proteins, machine learning and molecular chemistry can teach us about the complexities of human behaviour and the world around us

How do we understand the people around us? How do we recognise people's motivations, their behaviour, or even their facial expressions? And, when do we learn the social cues that dictate human behaviour?

Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of eight, Camilla Pang struggled to understand the world around her and the way people worked. Desperate for a solution, Camilla asked her mother if there was…

Book cover of The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man's Love Affair with Nature

Matthew D. LaPlante Why did I love this book?

Something very deep and very old struck me as I was reading the first pages of The Home Place, so much that it drew me out of the prose and into a state of contemplation. There was something resoundingly familiar about J. Drew Lantham’s writing, and it wasn’t until I was able to lay hands on it — literally, in the form of the yellowed pages of my copy of Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac — that I was able to continue reading Lantham’s exquisite memoir. Creative but concrete, florid but exacting, Lantham is an ascendant heir to Leopold, for The Home Place is not just a warmly written tribute to nature’s stunning beauty but an at-first troubling, and ultimately inspiring, examination of the question “Who gets to have these experiences?” 

By J. Drew Lanham,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Home Place as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"In me, there is the red of miry clay, the brown of spring floods, the gold of ripening tobacco. All of these hues are me; I am, in the deepest sense, colored." From these fertile soils of love, land, identity, family, and race emerges The Home Place, a big-hearted, unforgettable memoir by ornithologist and professor of ecology J. Drew Lanham.

Dating back to slavery, Edgefield County, South Carolina-a place "easy to pass by on the way somewhere else"-has been home to generations of Lanhams. In The Home Place, readers meet these extraordinary people, including Drew himself, who over the course…

Book cover of Life's Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable

Matthew D. LaPlante Why did I love this book?

On a riverbank in the tiny town of Rifle, Colorado, is an unassuming plot of land that most people would pass without a second thought. For me, though, that spot is like a temple — because it is there that researchers discovered 28 entirely new phyla of microorganisms. (By way of comparison, the entire kingdom Animalia contains approximately 31 phyla.) I wouldn’t have known to appreciate this discovery, though, if I hadn’t first read Paul Falkowski’s wonderful book about microbes. Like most folks, I’d known that all life on our planet stemmed from the creatures so small we cannot see them. But what I hadn’t fully contemplated before Life’s Engines was just how much these tiny organisms have done to create a world where other forms of life could thrive.

Falkowski told that story in a way that was accessible, exciting, and thought-provoking, offering me the opportunity to conceptualize the world in a new way. With that, places like that little patch of land in Colorado no longer seemed ordinary, but rather holy — for every step we take to understand the smallest life on our planet allows us to understand the origins of everything else.

By Paul G. Falkowski,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked Life's Engines as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

For almost four billion years, microbes had the primordial oceans all to themselves. The stewards of Earth, these organisms transformed the chemistry of our planet to make it habitable for plants, animals, and us. Life's Engines takes readers deep into the microscopic world to explore how these marvelous creatures made life on Earth possible--and how human life today would cease to exist without them. Paul Falkowski looks "under the hood" of microbes to find the engines of life, the actual working parts that do the biochemical heavy lifting for every living organism on Earth. With insight and humor, he explains…

Book cover of Green Deen: What Islam Teaches about Protecting the Planet

Matthew D. LaPlante Why did I love this book?

It would be easy to pass off this work as a book about the environment for Muslims. And I suppose it is that—an Islamic analog for the growing list of books that implore Christians to view environmental stewardship as an essential tenet of their faith, from authors like Sandra Richter and Fletcher Harper. 

Abdul-Matin's work struck me in another way: As an expanding aperture into the faith of billions of people across this planet. Reading it was reminiscent of my first experience with Benjamin Hoff's The Tao of Pooh, which similarly offered me an accessible entryway to a religion I'd previously known very little about, and which permitted me to then dive deeper through other, more challenging works. I read Hoff's book for the first time as a teen-aged sailor onboard an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, and I have read it several times since. I am certain that I will read Green Deen again, too, for it is a beautifully crafted story that has re-invigorated my belief that religion and science—the two most awe-inspiring forces in our world—need not be in conflict. Not in the least. 

By Ibrahim Abdul-Matin,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Green Deen as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A Muslim environmentalist explores the fascinating intersection of environmentalism and Islam.
Muslims are compelled by their religion to praise the Creator and to care for their community. But what is not widely known is that there are deep and long-standing connections between Islamic teachings and environmentalism. In this groundbreaking book, Ibrahim Abdul-Matin draws on research, scripture, and interviews with Muslim Americans to trace Islam’s preoccupation with humankind’s collective role as stewards of the Earth. 
Abdul-Matin points out that the Prophet Muhammad declared “the Earth is a mosque.” Using the concept of Deen, which means “path” or “way” in Arabic, Abdul-Matin…

Book cover of Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life

Matthew D. LaPlante Why did I love this book?

Among the biggest frustrations in my life are the moments I call “commuter questions”. These are the sorts of ponderings that pop into my head when I’m making the 90-minute drive from my home to the university where I teach, and when — safe driver that I am — I can’t simply hop online to hunt for an answer. Inevitably, by the time I’ve found a parking spot on campus, the question has disappeared from my mind. But where do those questions go? Well, apparently, they somehow wind up in Bristol, England, where science writers Matin Durrani and Liz Kalaugher are based. In Furry Logic, Durrani and Kalaugher address in-and-out-of-your-head questions like “Can mosquitoes fly in a rainstorm?” and “How do eels generate electricity?” And the answers are delightful. 

By Matin Durrani, Liz Kalaugher,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Furry Logic as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The animal world is full of mysteries. Why do dogs slurp from their drinking bowls while cats lap up water with a delicate flick of the tongue? How does a tiny turtle hatchling from Florida circle the entire northern Atlantic before returning to the very beach where it hatched? And how can a Komodo dragon kill a water buffalo with a bite only as strong as a domestic cat's?

These puzzles - and many more besides - are all explained by physics. From heat and light to electricity and magnetism, Furry Logic unveils the ways that more than 30 animals…

Explore my book 😀

Superlative: The Biology of Extremes

By Matthew D. LaPlante,

Book cover of Superlative: The Biology of Extremes

What is my book about?

Superlative is the story of extreme evolution — and what we can learn from it about ourselves and our planet. It’s a tale of crazy-fast falcons and super-strong beetles, of tiny animals and enormous plants, of whip-smart dolphins and killer snakes. For a long time, scientists ignored these evolutionary outliers. Now, researchers are coming to see great value in paying close attention to superlative species. 

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The Peace Puppy: A Memoir of Caregiving and Canine Solace

By Susan Hartzler,

Book cover of The Peace Puppy: A Memoir of Caregiving and Canine Solace

Susan Hartzler Author Of The Peace Puppy: A Memoir of Caregiving and Canine Solace

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I'm an accomplished author, award-winning writer, seasoned blogger, and savvy Public Relations Consultant, but my true passion lies in being a die-hard dog lover. Due to the demands of my current pack of Australian Shepherds, Seven and Paige Turner, I’ve built a rewarding career working from home, writing dog-centric books, blogging for diverse clients, consulting in public relations, and creating dog-friendly travel stories. I also launched the online shop, “Dog Travel Gear,” where I share tips and adventures with fellow dog lovers on the blog, “Paws on the Go.”

Susan's book list on life with dogs

What is my book about?

As one of 67 million Americans who serve as caretakers to their elderly parents, Susan Hartzler cared for her dad for three years, gaining profound insight into Parkinson's disease and the multifaceted challenges of caregiving. Throughout this period, Hartzler's rescue dog, Baldwin, a precious gift from her late mom, provided unwavering support.

This memoir offers a personal roadmap for those facing similar caregiving decisions. Thoughtful, tragic, and funny, it shows that, while demanding, caregiving can be a fulfilling endeavor, especially with a dog by one's side. The author's story will better prepare others in similar situations and encourage them to…

The Peace Puppy: A Memoir of Caregiving and Canine Solace

By Susan Hartzler,

What is this book about?

In a role 67 million Americans face as caretakers to their elderly parents, Susan Hartzler cared for her dad for three years, gaining profound insight into Parkinson's disease and the multifaceted challenges of caregiving. Throughout this challenging period, Hartzler's rescue dog, Baldwin, a precious gift from her late mom, provided unwavering support.

This memoir offers a personal roadmap for those facing similar caregiving decisions. Thoughtful, tragic, and funny, it shows that while demanding, caregiving can be a fulfilling endeavor, especially with a dog by one's side. Hartzler's story will better prepare others in similar situations and encourage them to consider…

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